Monday, November 16, 2015

Resources and other Information on Antarctica

                                                  Resources and other Information on Antarctica
                                             This blog will not be of much information. It will strictly
                         include a few facts, pictures, picture, more pictures, a video, and other entertaining
resources that will help you gather your thoughts about Antarctica. Without further ado...

Animals in the Antarctic:

Antarctica's Plants:

Antarctic Hairgrass

Antarctic Pearlwort
Antarctica's Map:

Antarctica's Flag:

Video on who owns Antarctica:

Sources of Information:

How Antarctica affects the Earth Overall.

                                            How Antarctica affects the Core of the Earth

                                      Antarctica has a tremendous affect on the Earth's core.
                 When it was the SuperContinent Gondwana, it had broken up into chucks and some of those pieces even sunk into the ocean. Based on scientists' theory, they believe that land had formed under water volcanoes and other landforms. I am infeencing those pieces are still there and may have formed a major volcano or other natural landform that really affects the Earth's structure and may have something to do with global warming...

                                           How Antarctica affects the Earth's Global Warming
                                           Antarctica has a big hand in the Earth's global warming,
                      the continent does and has earlier, too. Many million years ago, Antarctica was
not as it is now, it was a SuperContinent that would later break up into about 5 continents. This SuperContinent was known as Gondwana. At that time the Earth was a cold planet, however, Gondwana was a very tropical place. Lush vegetation along with perfect animals existed there at that time, however, tectonic plate movement broke Gondwana into such small pieces, and one of those was Antaractica. Slowly, as Antarctica moved towards the South Pole, but Earth's global warming increased majorly because ice was always being formed and always being melted. Unexpectedly, though, Antarctica became the coldest place on the Earth, where once, it was the most Tropical. Due to this, Earth's global warming became very high, and along with rough weather, there were many other things. Such as more species of animals, more food, green vegetation, better quality of life, then  humans, and so on. It was a significant chain of events.

Tectonic Plate Movement

The tectonic plate movement of Antarctica's tectonic plates affects the Earth because they increase volcanic activity and modifies the structure of the Earth. This is due to the fact that tectonic plate movement creates rocks, volcanoes, other landforms, and much more. Tectonic plates are what form land on Earth, and if they move and they change, so many things on Earth change. For more information, visit the websites below.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Antarctica's Ice Caves and Mountains

                                             Antarctica's Ice Caves and Mountains
                                          To continue on about Antarctica's landforms, 
                           in this blog, I will speak about the Ice Continent's Ice Caves and
mountains. Some of Antarctica's icebergs inhabitat penguins and seals- two of the main animals in Antarctica. Ice caves in the continent have formed due to erosion, the seperation of the Supercontinent -Gondwana. When Gondwana broke up into many pieces because of the movement of tectonic plates under the earth's crust, it had broken into many pieces, and during the seperation of the Supercontinent, some of it actually sunk into the water, or the water covered it overtime due to global warming and other factors. Either way, however some of the continent was lost due to the water surrounding it. If you would look at the picture listed below, you will see the breakup of the Supercontinent.

Although you may not believe this, but the breakup of this Supercontinent occurred more than 200 million years ago. That is why not many people know about this- however, almost every scientist that studies geology knows about Gondwana. Along with the breakup of Gondwana, it created many ice caves because of the way the land broke and wind patterns. 
              To speak about the mountains in Antarctica, some of them are:
1). Mount Terror
Image result for antarctica mount terrorMount Terror is 10,597 inches tall and its first ascent was in 1959. This mountain is actually a shield volcano that has numerous cinder cones and that is where it gets it name: Mount  Terror.

2). Mount Berlin
Image result for mount berlin antarcticaThis Mountain is the 6th highest volcano in Antarctica and is 11,411 inches tall. It has 2 shield volcanoes, Merrem Peak and Berlin Crater. (Also, a shield volcano is a volcano that is usually built entirely out of fluid magma flows.)

3). Mount Siple
Image result for mount siple Mount Siple is a shield volcano in Antarctica which is active and dangerous to be around. Its highest elevation is 10,203 inches.

4). Mount Morning
Image result for mount morning antarctica Mount Morning is another good example of a shield  volcano with a highest elevation of 8,940 inches.

5). Mount Discovery
 Mount Discovery is a stratovolcano in the Ice Continent. For the News Flash, a stratovolcano is a volcano that is very tall and has the most viscous lava that cools and hardens very quickly as well as the fact that all stratovolcanoes are composed of one layer that fully subjects to ash, hardened lava, and tephra.

6).Mount Tyree
Image result for mount tyree Mount Tyree is know for the fact that it is the 2nd highest volcano in Antarctica at 15,919 inches tall, and its first ascent was in 1967.

7).  Mount Erebus
Image result for mount erebus Mount Erebus is known as the southernmost active volcano on the planet and is also the sixth highest ultra mountain on a specific island.

8). Mount Melbourne
Image result for antarctica mount melbourne Mount Melbourne is a stratovolcano located in Antarctica. This volcano's last eruption was in 1750. Its elevation is 8,963 inches tall.

9). Mount Andrus
Image result for mount andrus antarctica Mount Andrus is a shield volcano in the Ice Continent. It has an elevation of 9,770 inches. Its mountain range is Ames Range.

10). Mount Kirkpatrick
Image result for mount kirkpatrick This mountain is a "believe it or not" ice-free mountain in Antarctica. Its highest elevation is 14,845 inches.

Although that is not all of the information about Antarctica's Ice Caves and Mountains, it is short and precise as well as straight to the point and excellent for anyone who wants a ton of information without a lot to read.